El papel de la propiocepción y el control neuromuscular en las inestabilidades del carpo

Articular joint congruity, static stability secondary to ligament integrity and dynamic joint surface compression due to muscular contraction have been defined classically as the key for carpal stability. Recently, a fourth factor in carpal stability has been proposed , involving the neuromuscular and propioceptive control of joints. Propioception of the wrist starts in sensory end organs located in ligaments and joint capsules( mechanoreceptors). When mechanoreceptors are stimulated , an afferent signal causes an involuntary spinal reflex that induces a selective muscular contraction in order to protect from ligament injury. The aim of this review is to provide an understanding of the role of propioception and neuromuscular control in carpal instabilities, as well as descriptions of potential clinical applications.

revistaiberoamericanamano.org/numero-actual/el papel de la propiocepción y el control neuromuscular en las inestabilidades del carpo

.El papel de la propiocepción y el control neuromuscular en las inestabilidades del carpo

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